

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Inspire Me✿ "Earn Your Body"

Need there be anymore said?  The truth hurts most times and I know this hurts a lot of men and women. There is just too many complaints and excuses out there for everyone to use. Excuses on why they have the body they have and why that cannot change it. There is NO one to blame but yourself, and that's the cold hard truth of it all people. There will always be something to blame it on if we choose to use that as our excuse. Stop blaming, Stop complaining, Stop whining and most of all Stop being so lazy and get up and change it! Stop talking so much and just get down to business and do the work. Make a change in you. Make a change in your life as well as  your body and you will make yourself proud. If you're not willing to do the work and make a real effort towards changing your body then just "Shut Up" and STOP complaining!

It comes down to it being all up to you...It's your choice and it's your body so why wouldn't you want to make it the best body ever. A fit, healthy, sexy body to live in everyday. Don't you want to stop hiding out and feeling ashamed of yourself. Complaining and blaming everyone because you're not happy with what you see everyday in that mirror. Make a choice today and choose "You" Chose yourself and make the effort, do the work and earn your beautiful, fit body.

A Fit Body is earned NOT given!  #EarnYourBody 

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