

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fit Body Boot Camp✿ "Bikini Ready All Year"

Here's (6) six great exercises for you to start your own cardio circuit workout. Doing these six exercises together in a circuit style workout will strengthen your muscles and burn body fat at the same time. Do each exercise 12-15 reps with NO rest between all  six exercises to make one full set. Rest 60-90 sec. between sets..Repeating 6-8x..  Rear Raiser, Lean-Leg Lung, Hot-Body Hop, Power Punch, Jiggle-Free Jump, Flat-Belly V-ups. 
If you just starting out do as many sets as you are physically able to do. Then each time add one more set until you are strong enough to do all 6 exercises for 8x sets. If you're in top shape and want to go for more? Do 8-10x and feel the beautiful burn it gives your body. For maximum results keep changing up and rotating your cardio workouts...It keeps your body guessing and from adapting to the same cardio workouts. Keep training hard and you're body will be swimsuit ready all year long! 

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