

Friday, August 17, 2012

"Tomorrow Is Too Late"

From “I’ll start my diet on Monday” to “I can overeat today and make up for it by eating less tomorrow,” there are endless excuses for putting off healthy lifestyle changes. It’s not that waiting one day – or weekend – to put down that donut and pick up a dumbbell is bad, but rather that those “tomorrows” never arrive. This is a form of procrastination, and it always results in disaster.

Few people actually start their diet on Monday and stick with it or make up for today’s excess calories “tomorrow.” And those who do go all out on Monday or eat less to make up for yesterday’s indulgences end up starving themselves and slowing their metabolisms. When you truly respect your body, you’ll stick to healthful food portions all the time and never punish yourself by waiting until “tomorrow

There is no making it up. It's a nice thought, but once today is gone it's gone and the best, most healthy and honest thing you can do for yourself and your body it to make the here and now, the day your in healthy, fit. Then continue each day the same exact way without making deals with yourself allowing cheating and making unhealthy decisions to continue on. There is no end when you do it that way and I think you know that because it hasn't happened yet. Just do it and do it the correct way and you will not go wrong. I promise you that you will see results if you do the work and you'll be more motivated to keep up exactly what you're doing without fail. The more fit and healthy you are the easier it is to continue and feel great doing it!

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