

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lean, Beautiful, Fit Legs

Your legs house some of the largest and most powerful muscle groups in your entire body. And the bigger the muscle, the more calories you burn when you exercise them. Your quadriceps are comprised of four muscles that run along the top of your leg from your hip to your knee. These muscles are what help you lift your upper leg at the hip, and they also help you straighten your entire leg at the knee.

Along the back of your thighs are the three muscles that make up the hamstrings. These help you bend your leg at the knee. In your buttocks, there’s the gluteus maximus, which works with your hamstrings to lift your leg back behind your torso. Why do you need to know all this? Because every time you lift, bend or otherwise move your legs, you’re toning these muscles. Exercising these muscle groups will help smooth out your thighs, reduce the appearance of cellulite, lift your butt cheeks, and provide separation between your thighs and butt.

Don't be afraid to lift heavy when training your legs either, the weights is what will shape, sculpt and beautify you legs more than any other type of training you can do for your legs. Work out those beautiful legs and be proud when you put on a pair of shorts, skirt or dress and show off all your hard work.

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