

Monday, February 18, 2013

Turn Yourself Into a Lean, Green Fat-Burning Machine

Swapping your morning brew for a cup of green tea could be just the trick you need to lose that extra spare tire. Studies show drinking five cups of green tea a day can increase your metabolic rate and have you burning an average of an extra 80 calories a day. And guess what? We say it over and over again: The little stuff really adds up.

But what makes green tea better than coffee for aiding in weight loss? It beats coffee where it hurts – caffeine. The metabolism-boosting benefits in green tea don’t come from caffeine, which is a good thing because it doesn’t have much of the stuff. Instead, other compounds in green tea produce these benefits without the jittery side effects that a cup o’ joe can produce. One cup of green tea has between 5-15 milligrams of caffeine compared to about 90 milligrams in a cup of drip coffee.

If you don’t think you can live without your daily coffee buzz, we dare you to switch to green tea for just one week. Go green, and get lean!


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