

Saturday, March 9, 2013

"Detoxify Your Bod"

Would you swallow teaspoons of chemical-based household cleaners? I didn’t think so! Though it’s hard to believe, your body is actually chock full of toxins, due to the fumes you breathe in, high stress levels and consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

Too often, toxins build up in our bodies from less-than-ideal eating habits. In particular, when you don’t eat enough fiber throughout the week, it’s hard for your body to efficiently move waste through your intestine. When intestinal waste gets stuck, gas builds up. This can result in bloating and abdominal distension – the last thing you want when trying to create a flat belly. To combat toxic overload, experts think that a person should detox at least once a year. 

How does one detox? It’s easy! Follow these steps:

  • Cut back on the amount of alcohol, sugar, dairy, and saturated fats you consume, and make cleansing juices with vegetables such as watercress, celery and kale, and add ginger for a little kick.

  • Drink plenty of water and antioxidant-rich green tea.

  • Eat lots of fiber, such as brown rice, and veggies, including broccoli, cabbage and artichokes.

  • Load up on vitamin C, which helps purge the body of toxins.

  • Take deep breaths (while meditating, practicing yoga, or engaging in cardio exercise).

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