

Monday, December 17, 2012

"No Time To Exercise Today?"

You’re busy! The thought of an hour-long workout is far from your mind, and probably far from possible. Getting the recommended 60 minutes of exercise a day is very difficult for those who try to do it all at once. Fortunately, studies show that doing two 30-minute exercise sessions, three 20-minutes workouts, or even six 10-minute bursts of energy a day is just as worthwhile as getting it all over within a single one-hour session. Not only that, studies also show that people who exercise for just 20-30 minutes at a time are more likely to be consistent with their workouts, compared to those who think they have to spend a grueling hour in the gym. And the more consistent you are with your exercise sessions, the more overall time you will spend exercising each week.

So instead of forgoing your one chance to burn a ton of calories today, break it up into smaller, doable acts of exercise. Take a 15-minute walk in the morning to gear you up for the day ahead. Spend 10 minutes doing sit-ups and push-ups between household tasks. Kick around a ball with your kids for 20 minutes when they get home from school. Put a little extra "elbow grease" into doing the dishes for 15 minutes. And voila! You’ve accomplished your 60 minutes of exercise for the day! This way is far better than not working out at all which most times is what people do who don't have the time it takes to go to the gym for an hour or more. It just seems easier to just skip it and then skipping it goes in to much more than a few skipped workout days. These skipped workout days you become comfortable in skipping and then that's where the excuse come up one by one. So, if time is your problem break up your workout into two or even three sessions and start by getting up at least 20-30 minuets early and knocking out your first workout session before your day starts, then you can surely get another workout sessions in during the day at lunch or after work. Make the time to workout because if you don't you are surely to be sorry you didn't down the road. Getting out of shape and gaining weight happens so quickly, but getting in shape and losing the weight doesn't happen as quickly and can be far more painful then sacrificing 45-60 minuets out of you day to workout.  Just get it done!

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