

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"Are You Sitting Down On The Job?"

While having to stand on your feet all day at work may not sound like the best job ever, there’s more reason for concern if you’re sitting down on the job. It’s no surprise that being seated from 9-5 can make your fanny spread faster than office gossip, but chances are you might only have a vague understanding of how harmful a sedentary workplace can be. Studies have proven that sitting for six or more hours at your job increases your risk of becoming overweight or obese by 68%.

Does this mean you have to switch careers? Not necessarily as there are many adjustments you can make to your workday to incorporate more physical activity. Walk over to your co-worker’s office to talk instead of using the phone. Take a break just to stand up and stretch every half hour. And don’t be afraid to rest your eyes from the computer screen every once in awhile by getting up to get a glass of water and taking a 5-minute break. Also use your lunch break to get a little fitness in if you're able too.. Depending on how long you have you can get a 40min workout in at a nearby gym, a 30 min run or sprint intervals, walking 1-2 miles and much more if you're creative and have the desire and drive to be fit and healthy and you want to make a big difference in your body and health. It can happen if you choose to make it happen.

If your boss yells at you for taking 5 minuet breaks from sitting, just tell them that you’re helping to reduce the company’s health-care costs. =)

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