

Thursday, December 27, 2012

"We Are All Champions"

It's all inside of you, it's inside all of us.. but you're going to have to fight for it, if you want it bad enough!? It won't be easy and won't come quick as you have to work hard for it to make it stick. It takes sacrifice, desire, passion and true commitment, dedication and great determination to become what you're meant to be... A true "Champion"

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"Are You Sitting Down On The Job?"

While having to stand on your feet all day at work may not sound like the best job ever, there’s more reason for concern if you’re sitting down on the job. It’s no surprise that being seated from 9-5 can make your fanny spread faster than office gossip, but chances are you might only have a vague understanding of how harmful a sedentary workplace can be. Studies have proven that sitting for six or more hours at your job increases your risk of becoming overweight or obese by 68%.

Does this mean you have to switch careers? Not necessarily as there are many adjustments you can make to your workday to incorporate more physical activity. Walk over to your co-worker’s office to talk instead of using the phone. Take a break just to stand up and stretch every half hour. And don’t be afraid to rest your eyes from the computer screen every once in awhile by getting up to get a glass of water and taking a 5-minute break. Also use your lunch break to get a little fitness in if you're able too.. Depending on how long you have you can get a 40min workout in at a nearby gym, a 30 min run or sprint intervals, walking 1-2 miles and much more if you're creative and have the desire and drive to be fit and healthy and you want to make a big difference in your body and health. It can happen if you choose to make it happen.

If your boss yells at you for taking 5 minuet breaks from sitting, just tell them that you’re helping to reduce the company’s health-care costs. =)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Mele Kalikimaka To My Beautiful Fit Family

Much Love & Aloha to all my Beautiful, fit family! Are you ready to make it a KickAss, No Excuses 2013? I sure am... and I will be kicking my Okole like never before! #ForeverStrong =)

"Merry Christmas"

Much Love and Big Hugs to all my Beautiful Fit Family & Followers

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Stick with It"

Diets work. Exercise works. There’s no doubt about it. However, in order to make them work for you, they need to be tailored to your unique needs. Don’t just dive head first into any old weight-loss program; experts agree that the #1 reason people don’t lose weight is that they just can’t stick with their chosen program long enough.

In other words, don’t start a low-carb diet that worked for your co-worker if you can’t honestly see yourself skipping grains, veggies and fruit while you chow down on meat, eggs and cheese all day long. Likewise, don’t sign up for a fitness boot camp if you’re more of the yoga persuasion.

Tailor your program to your personality. Consider your likes and dislikes when you make your fitness plan. If you don't try to stick your square peg into a round hole you'll be less likely to quit and you’ll get long-term results only if you can stick with your program long-term. Consistency is key as well as dedication, desire and sacrifice. Commit and implement all this things in to your quest to be fit, sexy and healthy and you will prevail in the end with exactly the healthy, fit body you want.

Monday, December 17, 2012

"No Time To Exercise Today?"

You’re busy! The thought of an hour-long workout is far from your mind, and probably far from possible. Getting the recommended 60 minutes of exercise a day is very difficult for those who try to do it all at once. Fortunately, studies show that doing two 30-minute exercise sessions, three 20-minutes workouts, or even six 10-minute bursts of energy a day is just as worthwhile as getting it all over within a single one-hour session. Not only that, studies also show that people who exercise for just 20-30 minutes at a time are more likely to be consistent with their workouts, compared to those who think they have to spend a grueling hour in the gym. And the more consistent you are with your exercise sessions, the more overall time you will spend exercising each week.

So instead of forgoing your one chance to burn a ton of calories today, break it up into smaller, doable acts of exercise. Take a 15-minute walk in the morning to gear you up for the day ahead. Spend 10 minutes doing sit-ups and push-ups between household tasks. Kick around a ball with your kids for 20 minutes when they get home from school. Put a little extra "elbow grease" into doing the dishes for 15 minutes. And voila! You’ve accomplished your 60 minutes of exercise for the day! This way is far better than not working out at all which most times is what people do who don't have the time it takes to go to the gym for an hour or more. It just seems easier to just skip it and then skipping it goes in to much more than a few skipped workout days. These skipped workout days you become comfortable in skipping and then that's where the excuse come up one by one. So, if time is your problem break up your workout into two or even three sessions and start by getting up at least 20-30 minuets early and knocking out your first workout session before your day starts, then you can surely get another workout sessions in during the day at lunch or after work. Make the time to workout because if you don't you are surely to be sorry you didn't down the road. Getting out of shape and gaining weight happens so quickly, but getting in shape and losing the weight doesn't happen as quickly and can be far more painful then sacrificing 45-60 minuets out of you day to workout.  Just get it done!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"Love Your Body Unconditionally"

In order to nurture a fabulously fit body, you must accept and respect it right now – not once you lose the weight. Many people falsely believe they will love their bodies once they shed excess pounds. That’s simply not true. I know this because some of the most tortured people I’ve ever met have also been some of the thinnest. Ask just about any person from a size 6 to a size 26 about their bodies, and most will tell you they really need to lose a few pounds. They’ll call their bodies nasty names they wouldn’t call their worst enemies.

So, if you think a smaller body size will automatically result in body acceptance, you’ve put the cart before the horse. In fact, the opposite is true: Body acceptance will result in a smaller body size – not the other way around. Once you learn to accept and respect your body, you will instantly treat it differently. Love your body and your body will love you in return. 

Workout #4 Sequence #5 "Back/Shoulders"

Workout #4 S#5 "Back/Shoulders"

Workout #4             
(sequence #5)
Weight Lifting 1 

*Single Sets* *3x ea. ~ 8-10 reps ~ 60-90 sec.rest periods* 

1. Wide-Grip Pulldowns (Behind Head) ~ 3x
2. Seated Arnold Dumbbell Press ~ 3x
3. Seated Cable Rows ~ 3x
4. Seated Side Lateral raises ~ 3x
5. Bent-Over Two Dumbbell Rows ~3x
6. Standing Barbell Front raises ~ 3x
7. Close-Grip Front Pulldowns (two handle grip bar) ~ 3x
8 Standing Up-Right Barbell Rows ~ 3x

 Let the BEAST Out! "TRAIN HARD"

Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind The Neck
#1 Wide-Grip Pulldowns
Arnold Dumbbell Press
#2 Arnold Dumbbell Press
Seated Cable Rows
#3 Seated Cable Rows
Seated Side Lateral Raise
#4 Seated Side Lateral Raises
Bent Over Two-Dumbbell Row With Palms In
#5 Bent-Over Two Dumbbell Row
Standing Front Barbell Raise Over Head
#6 Standing Front Barbell Raises
Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown
    #7 Close-Grip Lat Pulldowns
Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown

Upright Barbell Row
#8 Standing Up-Right Barbell Row

Monday, December 10, 2012

Stretch Out Your Stretching

Stretching is a subject of debate among fitness experts, but one thing is for sure: Whether you choose to stretch before, during or after your workout routine, you should do it regularly to enjoy the most benefits.

Stretching for weeks, or at least a few days, before a major event may improve performance in sports activities, as well as help prevent painful player injuries. Seven separate studies have found that specifically force, jump height and speed are positively affected by frequent stretching sessions performed over a longer period of time.

The focus of stretching should be on the areas you’ve been activating. For example, if you’re a runner, stretches should focus primarily on the legs. Or, if you play baseball or softball, stretches should focus on your throwing shoulder, back and legs. Even if you're walking for weight loss, it's a good idea to stretch every day.

Friday, December 7, 2012

"Kicking Triceps"

Here’s a new exercise to help flex your tricep muscles. It’s called the “Standing Triceps Kickback.” The name is a misnomer because there’s no actual kicking in this exercise. So keep your feet planted to the ground, use strict form and no jerking your body to get an extra rep.. Pick a weight that you can do at least 6-10 reps, not to easy and not to heavy is the key. If you try to go top heavy in this isolation exercise you will then be jerking your body to help get those final reps up and that's cheating and not what you want. Make them clean, strong, strict reps. As you become stronger in this exercise you can always add weight if you're able to them strict with good form.

Step 1: Hold a pair of dumbbells, with palms facing toward each other. Bend at the waist as if you were about to tie your shoes, then lift only your chin and chest, creating a slight arch in your back, and slightly bend your knees.

Step 2:
Raise your elbows as high as possible while keeping them close to your body. Breathe slowly and rhythmically as you extend the weights back and out (without moving the upper part of the arm) through a count of 10 seconds.

Step 3:
Hold and squeeze at the maximum tension point for 2 seconds.

Step 4:
Return the weights to the starting point through a count of 10 seconds.

Step 5:
Repeat 3-4 times with minimum rest between sets

Triceps are my favorite muscle group of all. Triceps that are developed make the arm more full and complete and when they are developed along with your biceps your front and back bicep pose will surely be amazing.  Most men and women favor working their bicep verses triceps and I feel it's because your biceps are in the front and can be seen first, but just as you wouldn't forget to work your glutes or your hamstrings that are also in the back, don't forget to pay attention the those beautiful tricep muscles. All your muscle contribute to the full package and when one or more muscle group is underdeveloped it will show and it's always best to be balanced in every muscle group. So, get busy working those beautiful triceps. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Burn Twice the Calories"

If there’s a hill in your path, don’t turn around and go the other way – run up it! While for some people running hills may seem comparable to climbing Mt. Everest, the payoff is worth working through your fears. You can burn twice the calories by walking, biking or running hills as long as you keep your speed constant.

And that’s not all as taking on the challenge of a hill routine will also make you faster and stronger, as well as improve the stability of your knee joints. The most important thing to remember when running hills is to run up as fast as you comfortably can, but take it slow on the way down to avoid putting undue strain on your knees and quads. You should also stretch out your IT Band after each run when your muscles are warmed up.

If you just don’t have a hill to climb in your geographic area, you can simulate hill running inside your gym simply by adjusting the incline of your treadmill. But if you want to fully appreciate your hard work, take your routine outside... as anytime you can do the real deal rather than use machines it is much better for your body and is the more uncomfortable choice. Then when you do use the treadmill or stair climber in your gym you will be so much more stronger because of taking your workouts outside and choosing the more uncomfortable way that benefits your body much more in the long run. There's nothing wrong with using machines as I use them myself, but I do prefer and will take my hill running outside for a much harder intense workout. Mix it up and workout both ways so it keeps your muscles guessing and they will never become accustomed to any one workout you are doing. 

When you do take your hill running outside and you reach the peak and look behind you to see what you’ve just accomplished, you’ll truly feel like the king (or queen) of the mountain. It's an amazing feeling and a feeling you will want to feel again, and again. It's not easy, it's hard and can even be painful at times, but it's so worth your body becoming stronger, faster and it's worth the amazing feeling you get after a great run.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Daily Diet Tip: "Don't Overdose on Energy Bars"

Energy bars appeared on the snack scene a few years ago in a blaze of misrepresentation. The “energy” label makes you think you’re getting something special, doesn’t it? Here’s the secret that energy bar companies don’t want you to know: The Food and Drug Administration allows manufacturers to label products as “energy” foods if they “contain calories.” It makes sense, since a calorie is a measure of energy. But here’s the question: If you’re trying to lose weight, should you start eating "calorie bars"?

Now before all you Mountain Dew–swilling, tire-swinging, rock-climbing X-Games watchers drop your hacky sacks in a huff, let’s get real. It’s one thing if you’ve just scaled K2 and are looking for some quick calories and carbohydrates so you can scramble down the mountain, but it’s another if you are settling down for a quiet evening with your laptop and a chocolate chip cookie.

The truth is that most people do not need extra carbohydrates even when they exercise – just because something might work for a high-intensity athlete doesn’t mean that it’s the best thing for you. And guess what? If carbs are all you’re looking for, bagels work just as well. And while high-protein bars combined with exercise may be associated with increased muscle mass, protein can be consumed in lower-calorie forms too. Ultimately, energy bars are repackaged, repurposed and rebranded candy bars. (Except that candy bars taste good!)

My recommendation: Stick with real food.          

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Inspire Me✿ "Believe w/Total Conviction"

Always believe in "Yourself" It's you that has to believe above all the rest. It's you that has to endure the pain, sacrifice and time it takes to build a strong, fit, healthy body. It's you that needs to have the determination, dedication and desire to with stand the test of a complete commitment and the time it takes to reach your goals one by one. It's you that has the power to execute what you're truly capable of and know just how strong your body is, and the amazing things your body can do and be if you have total Conviction & Believe in "YOU"

Tone Your Middle With a Side Plank

This move will strengthen your abdominal muscles, back and shoulders. Be sure to breathe normally as you perform the Side Plank. It’ll test your balance skills, but most importantly, it will stabilize your trunk, helping you perform simple tasks such as lifting items and opening doors. And doing Side Planks will also improve your performance in any sport. Women's physique's always look more appealing with a small, slender waist and it's true you cannot change your basic structure, but you do have the power to sculpt and make your body the best it can be. So, start sculpting and shaping your middle with some side planks and make your waist look the best it can be.

Step 1:
Lie on your side with your legs extended and left arm resting in front of you. Prop up your upper body with your right forearm against the floor.

Step 2:
Exhale as you lift your hips off the floor, balancing your body weight on your right forearm and outer edge of your right foot.

Step 3:
Hold for 30 seconds or longer as you become stronger.

Step 4:
Switch sides and repeat for a total of 4-6 sets each side

Monday, December 3, 2012

Motivational Note✿ "I Fight"

Workout and feel more Alive than you have ever felt. Fight to be Fit and Healthy be Fit4Life!