

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Is Spot Toning Possible?

By now you should know that spot reducing (losing weight in a targeted area of your body) isn’t possible – unless you’re willing to go under the knife. But what about spot toning? You may have heard that you can’t spot tone and must learn to accept the shape of your body just the way it is. Well, I’m happy to tell you that the spot-toning caution is only half-true. Here’s the whole truth: Moving one area of your body over and over doesn’t burn fat in that one spot, but it will firm up the area.

For example, if you focus only on your thighs by doing hundreds of leg lifts, you probably won’t slim down even though you will strengthen your leg muscles. However, if you target your entire body – upper, middle and lower – with certain resistance-training moves, you can boost your metabolism high enough that your body burns fat all day long. This will help burn fat all over your body, including your thighs. Resistance-training is an important part of your fitness program. It helps strengthen your weak areas, balancing your entire body. Combine resistance training with a healthy eating plan, and you will shed the fat. So, get moving that entire body and not only get your cardio training in on your workout days, get your resistance training in as well. 

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