

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fantasy Island or Gilligan's Island?

If you were an island, what island would you be? Today I am going to offer you two choices from TV’s past. First, you have “Fantasy Island.” This is the island of choice and the destination of all who are working on creating healthier lives. Fantasy Island is the island of wise choices, healthy food, exercise, and positive thinking. This island represents the lifestyle of your dreams and the life you want to lead. On this island, you live in a magnificent health resort.On the other hand, your other choice is an island of no exercise, negative thinking and foolish nutritional choices called “Gilligan’s Island.” This is the island that many of you, unfortunately, presently inhabit. This is the direct opposite of Fantasy Island. This is not a health resort; it’s a comedy of health errors full of junk food, no exercise and poor nutritional choices.

Even though you want to do the healthy things necessary to get to and stay on Fantasy Island, you most likely find yourself constantly drifting over to Gilligan’s Island. Just consider every slip you make as a trip to Gilligan’s Island. Since I’m a great believer in the power of mental imagery, I think this image may provide you with the mental focus you need to get back on track when you slip.From a behavioral point of view, the initial goal is to shorten your stays on Gilligan’s Island. For those of you who are not at the stage where you can stay on track consistently, shortening your occasional trips away from the healthy lifestyle you seek is a great beginning.

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