

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Daily Diet Tip: "Don't Overdose on Energy Bars"

Energy bars appeared on the snack scene a few years ago in a blaze of misrepresentation. The “energy” label makes you think you’re getting something special, doesn’t it? Here’s the secret that energy bar companies don’t want you to know: The Food and Drug Administration allows manufacturers to label products as “energy” foods if they “contain calories.” It makes sense, since a calorie is a measure of energy. But here’s the question: If you’re trying to lose weight, should you start eating "calorie bars"?

Now before all you Mountain Dew–swilling, tire-swinging, rock-climbing X-Games watchers drop your hacky sacks in a huff, let’s get real. It’s one thing if you’ve just scaled K2 and are looking for some quick calories and carbohydrates so you can scramble down the mountain, but it’s another if you are settling down for a quiet evening with your laptop and a chocolate chip cookie.

The truth is that most people do not need extra carbohydrates even when they exercise – just because something might work for a high-intensity athlete doesn’t mean that it’s the best thing for you. And guess what? If carbs are all you’re looking for, bagels work just as well. And while high-protein bars combined with exercise may be associated with increased muscle mass, protein can be consumed in lower-calorie forms too. Ultimately, energy bars are repackaged, repurposed and rebranded candy bars. (Except that candy bars taste good!)

My recommendation: Stick with real food.          

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I have never been a fan of energy or protein bars. I think they are all junk and don't even taste that good. I stick with real foods.