

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Your Fit Plan for November & December "Keep Your Body Fit"

It's November, a brand new month and a fresh start to make your goals come true before we say goodbye to 2012 in about 61 days from today. The two biggest holidays are upon us and with these holidays comes a lot of indulgent eating and a lot of skipped workouts due to fun events, and parties that always happen during this time time of year. Don't let these holiday months derail you off your fit and healthy path to obtaining your fit body that you've been working hard all year towards. It's good to have fun and let yourself enjoy the festive fun of the holiday season coming upon us, just don't let yourself be a glutton and indulge to the point of reversing everything that you've worked so hard to obtain this year and in the past few months. Pick your indulgent times and chose your cheat days wisely and try the best your can to have set plan. You can do this and still stay right on top of your game all the way through to the start of the new year. The last thing you want is to start the new year behind your game and have to spend the first few months making up and fixing the destruction of what holiday indulging can do and how it can reek havoc on your health and your body faster than you can even imagine. We all are smart enough to know what takes you 6 months to accomplish and build can be easily damaged and torn down pretty quickly in these last two months of festive spirits. Set your goals now and have a set plan and stick to it as best as you can. Keep yourself  fit and healthy during the holidays season and enter in to the new year happy, healthy and fit. Bring in the new year loving yourself and loving your body.

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