

Friday, November 23, 2012

"Power Up With a Power Label"

Sometimes we brand ourselves with humorous yet self-destructive catch-phrases. For you to achieve your ideal body, you should create what I like to call a "power label" for yourself that gets you excited about exercising and eating well. Think about it: Too many people unconsciously label themselves in ways that make them feel bad: overeater, couch potato, sugarholic, meat-and-potatoes guy, over the hill, or big as a house. The human brain is such a powerful instrument that you will eventually become whatever you label yourself. To combat these negative associations, I want you to think of a new, positive power label for yourself. Pick a favorite fitness activity or healthful food you love, and make it part of your new identity. New monikers could include “running renegade,” “broccoliholic,” or “iron warrior” clean eating maniac" "love lifting princess" Your power label will serve as a daily self-affirmation that’ll keep you mega-motivated! 

Let's be more positive about ourselves which in turn will give you the power and strength to push through the tough phases of training hard day in and day out. It's not easy being fit and healthy and it takes dedication, determination, sacrifice, desire and wanting it bad enough to bust your butt at every workout, anywhere from 4-6x a week all year long. So, give yourself credit and be proud of what you've accomplished and how far you've come from where you started and celebrate every goal you conquer. Now, give yourself a awesome "Power Label" and stay motivated and keep conquering yourself everyday!


Dawn said...

I love this post...so true! We are what we say we are and it's not always positive.

✿islangurl said...

Mahalo Dawn.. I happy you like this post and I hope it has inspired you to always remember just how strong and amazing you are. Be positive about yourself and keep up the fight to be fit and healthy and never give up!
