

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Cheat Meals vs. Cheat Days"

Many people are embracing “cheat meals” instead of “cheat days” as a way to save calories when they indulge. Single-meal-cheaters think they are doing their body a favor by only indulging in one calorie-filled meal in a cheat day, but this type of cheating isn’t sufficient when it comes to weight loss. Research has repeatedly shown that it takes anywhere from 8-12 hours of increased calories for the anti-starvation hormone leptin to respond adequately. A single cheat meal simply won’t get it done. So next time you are thinking about having just one cheat meal, or perhaps even skipping your cheat day altogether, remember today’s tip. Yes, it takes a leap of faith, but when you see your measurements continue to drop week after week, you’ll never trade in your full day of dietary cheating again.

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