

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fit Tip: "Tiny Belly"

I've repeated this to many who tell me they've tried everything to lose weight, trying to get a fit, lean, healthy body but NOTHING seems to work. Well, there's no quick fix or secret program it takes Consistency, Drive and wanting to change. I've seen both women and men who exercise, pay trainers with NO results and even go backwards and they feel it just don't work for them and give up.  I tell them if you are truly working out at least 3-4 x weekly or more and seeing No results then "YOU" are eating wrong and or NOT eating enough and eating the wrong things. You need to be honest with yourself and start realizing you CANNOT out exercise a BAD Diet! Consistency and Committing to working out at least 4-5x a week in both strength training and cardio plus eating enough and often throughout the day. Consuming clean, healthy food. It takes time to get over weight, unhealthy so don't expect to fix years of lazy bad choices in a few months. Just accept what you've created and do what need to do to rectify your bad choices and commit to the process of putting in the hard work, sacrifice and living fit not just dieting for a few months for a special occasion or for just summer swimsuit season. Start living it, breathing it, tasting it and don't ever STOP! You will see results. You will change and it will be the best choice you've ever made. You DON'T have to settle for less than your potential or less that you deserve. It's NOT easy. It's uncomfortable, but so is being Fat, unhealthy and unhappy in your own skin every damn day! It's in your power to do it and get the Fit, Strong, Healthy body you want. Get to it Today!!!

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