Most weight goals fail to come to fruition not because of a poor program, but because people don’t follow the program long enough to get results. So why will signing up along with your partner make a difference? Lack of spousal support is a top reason for why people drop out of their fitness regimens. So what better way to fix that than just bringing them along? If they don't want to come with you... then go anyway and most times they will see you going and see your success and follow along.
Besides triumphing through your weight-loss struggles together, you’ll also be strengthening the bond that you share as a couple. In the gym, you can work off your troubles, frustrations and stress on the exercise machinery instead of taking it out on each other. The couple that plays together stays together - and gets fit faster too.
Great post, Island Gurl! Didn't know that lack of spousal support is the number one reason people drop out, but it makes sense!
Great post and food for thought!I do agree with your statement. People who want to loss weight or enhance their fitness should be consistent. A good diet plan and quality workout help in maintaining fitness and reducing chances of diseases.
Lakewood gym
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