

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why Your Muscles Are Sore Post-Workout?

If you’re new to fitness, you may be wondering why you’re sore after a weight-training or cardio session. It could be a number of factors, including your previous level of fitness and activity, your age or the intensity of your workouts. Since this is the first time you have exercised - or it has been a while since you last worked out - it’s likely your muscles will become sore.

This is because you are causing microscopic tears in your muscle fibers when you strength train or work muscles you’ve never worked before. The pain you’re feeling post-exercise is from these minute tears and is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). This pain is normal and can last between 1-7 days following your workout. As these tears heal, your muscles will become stronger. Over time, your muscles will adapt and the soreness will lessen after your workouts.To minimize the chance of becoming sore, be sure you’re allowing time to warm up, cool down and stretch properly before and after your workouts. Drink enough water throughout the day, and try to stay active on a weekly basis.

To relieve soreness, keep your blood flowing by doing some light cardio or other physical activity, or getting a massage. Even doing some of those unwanted house chores can help relieve a little of the pain.Embrace the soreness as a great sign that you kicked your muscles ass in the gym. Keep training hard a learn to love that beautiful sore feeling. 


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Inspire Me✿ "Get Stronger"

Always go for the heavy weight first when you are lifting, because if you always go lower in fear of the heavy weight you will never become stronger. Your muscles need to feel that heavy weight and get use to it so you can go higher and become stronger. If you don't allow your muscles to experience and feel the heavier weight then you are never going to become stronger. Don't fear the heavy weight, embrace it and lift it like you own it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Combo That Can Make Anyone a Runner

Running is one of the best calorie-burning exercises you can do. But if you're an out-of-shape beginner, running can feel next to impossible. That doesn't mean it's not for you - it'll just take a bit longer to work up to it.

If you’d like to join the elite group of proud runners, but need to ease into it, try doing a walk-run interval combo to start. For example, on week one, aim to walk for five minutes and run for just 1-2 minutes (depending on what you can accomplish with moderate effort and while keeping good form), and then keep repeating the cycle. Do this at least 3-5 days a week for the best results. If you can only start out with three days a week, work your way up to four and then five days.

You may feel frustrated at first having to walk instead of run, but remember: You must build a healthy base of fitness before you can accomplish more difficult feats. Give the walk-run interval combo a try and by week two you should be able to run at least twice as long as you could the week before. Keep adjusting your walk-run intervals each week as your body adapts. In just 8-12 weeks, you could be running a 5k or 10k with ease!

See, it wasn’t that hard after all.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Hanky Panky is Exercise Too"

If you’re not having enough fun working out, take your workout to the bedroom! Vigorous sexual activity can burn an easy 100 calories or more, and hey – why not? It’ll make your partner happy and strengthen your relationship, which means that burning extra calories is really just a fringe benefit.

If you tend to be more of a mild-mannered lover, don’t be afraid to get a little more frisky to make it worth the while. Sex can be a great cardiovascular exercise for your heart and lungs. And it’s also great for toning your core – that is, if you do it enough. Sex also releases feel-good endorphins, which can help boost your sense of mental well-being, which can boost your self-efficacy and benefit you at the gym. So the next time you find yourself complaining that you just don’t have time for exercise, take your frustrations out between the sheets! The more, the merrier. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Love ♥ the Exercise You Do

Why isn’t your exercise program working for you? Probably because you never do it! Studies show that the #1 problem with losing weight is not the diet or fitness plan itself, but rather a lack of follow-through. The real key is to find an exercise you enjoy. That way you'll look forward to your workouts rather than dreading them. More importantly, you'll be more likely to do them rather than finding inventive ways of avoiding them. You don't have to get on a treadmill if you don't like it. Bike, swim, hike, walk, dance, climb, or do whatever you love to do – just make sure you move! You can even play tag if you want, as long as you keep moving and work up a sweat. The more you exercise, the more weight you’ll lose, and the happier you’ll be because you aren’t torturing yourself with needless hours of exercises you hate to do.

Whatever you choose,commit and just stick with it! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"The Couple ♥ that Plays Together Gets Fit Faster"

It’s no secret that a lazy mate can be a major weight-loss roadblock, but did you know that couples who join fitness programs together are twice as likely to stick with it? And in case you’ve forgotten, what matters most in any weight-loss program is how long you do it.

Most weight goals fail to come to fruition not because of a poor program, but because people don’t follow the program long enough to get results. So why will signing up along with your partner make a difference? Lack of spousal support is a top reason for why people drop out of their fitness regimens. So what better way to fix that than just bringing them along? If they don't want to come with you... then go anyway and most times they will see you going and see your success and follow along.

Besides triumphing through your weight-loss struggles together, you’ll also be strengthening the bond that you share as a couple. In the gym, you can work off your troubles, frustrations and stress on the exercise machinery instead of taking it out on each other. The couple that plays together stays together - and gets fit faster too.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

"Small Waistline for 2013"

May good health and a small waistline be yours in 2013.

So what’s your target weight-loss goal? Is it five pounds, 20 or more? Whatever it is, here's how to beat the bulge — fast.Eat the right amounts of sugar and carbs and you’ll lose two pounds a week. Other trendy diets may claim that their methods can help you lose eight or more pounds in a week, but those are neither safe nor effective in the long-term. Aim to eat no more than 15 grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs a day (a serving is about 15 grams).

Slow, steady weight loss is easier to maintain, and has a cosmetic benefit: It allows your skin to slowly shrink along with your fat stores. This prevents the sagging skin that you sometimes see in people who have lost dramatic amounts of weight quickly. Slow, steady weight loss also gives you more energy. You’ll be more likely to remain active, rather than feel worn out from your diet.Finally, you will never feel deprived or hungry, so you’ll be less likely to binge and cheat. Shedding just two pounds a week is doable, as long as you commit yourself to long-term success. Be dedicated, committed and stay focused everyday on the goals that you put in place for yourself. It's not easy, and can be hard most days, but I assure you that if you follow a clean diet and workout hard the body you want and have been working towards will start shining through. Just know it's takes time and you will see changes not only in your body but yourself as you surrender to the fit life.

1 Small Red Hibiscus

Monday, January 7, 2013

Motivational Note✿ "Ready 4 1st Monday of #2013"

"It's the very 1st Monday of the year #2013 and I hope you're ready to not only Kick it's Ass but Kick your own as well?! Get ready, get MOTIVATED, be inspired and get it done! Monday 1/7/13 Motivation!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Inpire Me✿ "KickAss Like A SuperHero"

Lets get it done today, and everyday 365 days a year 2013 and beyond. Make it a daily habit not just a whim or a temporary fix to being out of shape and unhealthy. Make it a life time, daily commitment and start Kicking Ass like a SuperHero all the year long! It's all up to you and how bad do you want it?? Show yourself how bad "YOU" want it, by starting NOW!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Happy Brand New Year"

Happy Brand New Year 2013! Lets make it our most fit and healthy years yet! No more wasting time or waiting for the perfect day, month or time because we know exactly where that will take us... It will take us exactly to this time next year making the same plans and promises to be more fit and healthy. The time is now, today at this very moment we all need to keep our plans and promises in full and keep motivated every single day of these 365 days to make it happen. It can be done and you can do it! It is time so lets get to it NOW! 
Happy New Year