The preacher remains one of the best biceps builders of all time. It's orgins go back 30 years with the great Larry Scott using this exercise to build his 20 inch guns.
The trick to this exercise to make sure you squeeze your biceps all the way through the motion and especially at the top part. I suggest you pause at the top for a moment and really squeeze, especially on your last couple of reps.
Make sure your back is straight and your head is level during the entire movement. Remember, you don't want to heave the weight up, if you find yourself doing this, the weight is too heavy so you might want to lighten the load.
An important note. Do not bounce at the bottom of the movement - This can lead to injury.
Position for the preacher curl
1. While seated on a preacher bench, hold your arms over the pad, keeping your back straight and head level.
2. Grasp a barbell in an underhand grip and extend your arms.
Execution of the preacher curl
1. Curl your arms up to your chin and then slowly extend your arms back down. Do not bounce the weight at the bottom portion of the movement. Raise and repeat till your set is complete!
The primary muscle group used is...Biceps, front shoulders and forearms. I absolutely love preacher curls! They are one of my all time favorite exercise for my biceps. I feel that the "Preacher Curl" gets the full belly of your bicep muscle and makes for a longer bicep which is so much more appealing on the body when the muscle is longer "Full Muscle Belly" If you do bicep exercises incorrectly you can develop a shorter muscle belly and that can make your muscles look more blocky and not so appealing to the eye.
Other variations of the preacher curls...You can do preacher curls w/dumbbells single like a concentration curl or double dumbbell. Reverse grip preacher curl is also a great one for both biceps and your forearms. So add these great bicep exercises to your workouts and create a more beautiful "full belly" bicep muscle ~